The 1st mention of bitterness in the Bible was in a son–Esau, the child of Isaac and Rebekah. When he felt he had been done wrong, Esau cried out with a “bitter cry.” Esau wound up rejecting the grace of God and becoming a profane fornicator. It is like God was saying to all parents: Protect your children from becoming bitter. HOW?
- Emphasize to children the importance of forgiveness and never becoming bitter.
- Teach them how to control their angry natures.
- Stay with your original mate.
- Keep lines of communication open.
- Draw the line of obedience where God draws it.
- Take seriously God’s negative commands.
- Get victory over anger.
- Fathers must be involved with ALL their children.
- Teach children to run TO responsibility.
- Encourage children to receive the grace God offers them.
Running time: 56 minutes